5 Cute Animals To End The Week: Baby Penguin Takes A Swimming Lesson

A rare Gentoo penguin gets its water wings. Just keep swimming, Flash! 🐧

The week in politics has seen a flurry of politicians heading for the exit before the next election (whenever that might be). Going against the grain, however, is Dilyn the Dog, who actually moved into Downing Street – or the flat at No 11 to be exact – with new owners Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds.

The 15-week-old Jack Russell-cross was left abandoned by puppy farmers in his native Wales, so the wilds of Westminster will feel like a breeze for him.

Meet our gorgeous little rescue puppy, Dilyn 💚 #AdoptDontShop pic.twitter.com/kPmMaYM4dv

— Carrie Symonds (@carriesymonds) September 2, 2019

Meanwhile on the other side of the pond, can we get a major shout-out for this hero woman who saved no less than 97 dogs in the middle of Hurricane Dorian?

Feels like we all need some light relief in the midst of the madness, right? Well, with the following clutch of serious cuties, we hope we’ve got you covered.

1. Baby Penguin Get Its Water Wings.

Back in June, we brought you the news that a rare Gentoo penguin chick was born at the National Sea Life Centre in Birmingham – named Flash because it arrived so quickly! Well, we’re happy to report the chick is coming along nicely.

National Sea Life Centre

This week, Flash took its first icy swimming lessons in a special paddling pool behind the scenes at the centre – designed to prepare the chick for when it moves into the larger pool in the penguins’ ice adventure habitat outdoors.

Flash The Gentoo Penguin at National Sea Life Centre
National Sea Life Centre
Flash The Gentoo Penguin at National Sea Life Centre

Staff at the centre don’t yet know if Flash is a boy or a girl – but the gender will become clear as the chick gets older. Penguin keeper, Julie Travers, said: “Flash is doing well and it won’t be long before he or she lives up to their speedy name and is whizzing through the water.” Just keep swimming!

2. Soggy Doggy Bottoms.

Thought it was just Alice, Phil and Rosie cooking up a treat for Paul and Prue in the Great British Bake Off marquee? Well you’d be wrong. Look at this serious trio of canine bakers. And not a speck of flour on any of them. Good boys.

No more treats? We'll make our own. pic.twitter.com/oopMffHApB

— Cute Emergency (@CuteEmergency) September 2, 2019

3. Willy Or Won’t She?

Every kitty deserves to be loved, none more so than Daisy the Ragdoll cat despite – or perhaps because of – her, ahem, very unique features.

“Some say she has unfortunate facial markings but we call it totally unique,” says The Mini Kitty Commune is Sydney, Australia, where Daisy, nine, is up for adoption.

We totes agree: you’re beautiful, Daisy, just the way you are.

Daisy The Cat at the Mini Kitty Commune
Facebook / The Mini Kitty Commune
Daisy The Cat at the Mini Kitty Commune

4. All Hail This Doggy Diva.

We’ll just leave this performance here for everyone’s entertainment.

The Academy Award for best dramatic performance goes to… pic.twitter.com/ErlQc2JcpQ

— ℝ𝕒𝕤𝕙𝕠𝕟𝕒 (@Rashona) September 6, 2019

5. They Can See A Rainbow.

Finally, we’ll never ever get tired of cats flying the flag for LGBTQ equality, whether that’s by donning a very dapper bow-tie – or simply harnessing the physics of light. These are our two faves this week. Love wins.

my cat said, log off homophobes ... so proud of him pic.twitter.com/PVE49QpS1I

— elle (@elleshivers) September 5, 2019









cat. pic.twitter.com/wypmLwzg5p

— May leert Nederlands (@_xMarion) September 2, 2019