Alex Andreou's Awful Story About Being Refused Cats Because He Was Gay Has A Happy Ending

'Screw bigotry. Kindness wins'.

The story of the writer who was told he couldn’t adopt two cats because he was gay, which appalled Twitter, has had a happy ending.

Alex Andreou, who is also an actor, tweeted how he wanted to adopt two cats that “desperately needed rehoming”, travelled two hours to get them but was turned down once he said he was gay.

He shared a text exchange with the cat owner, who said she disapproved of his sexuality on religious grounds and asked: “Are you not afraid of going to hell when you die?”

So, I just travelled two hours to adopt a cat that desperately needed rehoming and was turned down for being gay. WTF IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE.

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 22, 2017

So now I'm on the bus and I'm sobbing and people are staring at me because the truth is it hurts as much as when I was 8 years old.

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 22, 2017

The events left Andreou crying on the bus home, but after sharing his story online, the saga took on a new twist.

Labour MP Stella Creasy, Times columnist Danny Finkelstein and the RSPCA were among those who tweeted their support.

Thank you for having the bravery to share this. It's a terrible story.

— Daniel Finkelstein (@Dannythefink) August 22, 2017

Fwiw @sturdyAlex that's horrifying, and if you want a kitten know @charlie_jale has some gorgeous ones in need of new home? 😼

— stellacreasy (@stellacreasy) August 22, 2017

We have lots of cats awaiting furever homes - - perhaps we can help find you a feline friend?

— RSPCA (@RSPCA_official) August 22, 2017

He also had a rush of offers from people who had cats who needed rehousing.

He shared the results: Two brothers he named George Meowchael-Andreou and Freddie Purrcury-Andreou.


I present brothers George Meowchael-Andreou (left) and Freddie Purrcury-Andreou (right).

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 23, 2017

The pair are from a rescue litter and will living with Andreou after they are neutered next Friday.

He tweeted his thanks to Lilly’s Legacy, the cat shelter whose reaction to his story “was like the warmest hug”.

I cannot, seriously cannot, express enough gratitude to Amanda from @LillysLegacy, whose reaction to my story was like the warmest hug.

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 23, 2017

He joked he would raise the cats “SUPERQUEER” in revenge.

He added: “Screw bigotry. Kindness wins.”

Screw bigotry. Kindness wins.

Over and out,

Freddie, George, and Alex

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 23, 2017

A spokesman for LGBT rights charity Stonewall told the Evening Standard: “This is a classic example of the daily discrimination lesbian, gay, bi and trans people continue to face just for being themselves.

“Who you love makes has no impact on how well you can care for a cat. Pets don’t discriminate, and people shouldn’t either.”

In another twist to the story, Andreou established the woman who refused him the cats was using fake photos on her advert and had repeatedly refused people who wanted to adopt them for months.

THE PLOT THICKENS! I did a reverse image search. Curious to see if she responds. Quite clear there are no cats. Just a strange power-trip.

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 23, 2017

He reported her advert so that it was taken down, reported it to the police and told her to “get a fucking life”.

I told her that I reported her ad so it's taken down, alerted the police in case it's part of a scam and to get a fucking life. And hung up.

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) August 23, 2017

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