Boris Johnson Angrily Heckled During Speech, Told To 'Sort Out The Mess You Created'

Prime minister also confronted over people having "died because of austerity".

Boris Johnson was heckled during a speech on Friday and told to “get back to parliament” to sort out the “mess” he created.

Speaking at the Convention of the North in Rotherham, the prime minister was confronted by an angry man in the audience.

“Maybe get back to parliament. Yeah?” the heckler told Johnson.

“Why are you not with them [MPs] in parliament sorting out the mess that you have created? Why don’t you sort it out, Boris?”

Before the heckler was escorted out of the room, Johnson told him: “I am very happy to get back to parliament very soon.”

Earlier today, the PM was confronted by another angry voter during a walkabout in Doncaster.

“People have died because of austerity,” she told him. “And you’ve got the cheek to come here and tell us austerity is over and it’s all good now and we’re going to leave the EU and everything’s going to be great. It’s just a fairytale.”

Last week in Morley - Boris Johnson was told #PleaseLeaveMyTown.

Today - it’s Doncaster.

“People have died because of austerity. And you’ve got the cheek to come here.”#NorthernStrategy

— Clare Fallon (@clarefallon) September 13, 2019

Johnson triggered a backlash after he decided to suspend parliament earlier than normal.

He claimed the session had to be brought to an end in order to allow for a Queen’s Speech and a new domestic agenda.

But opposition MPs accused him of shutting down the Commons in order to avoid scrutiny over his Brexit policy.

Johnson said today: “There is ample time for parliament to consider not just Brexit but all kinds of things.”

But in a blow to the PM, Scotland’s highest civil court ruled on Wednesday that the prorogation was unlawful because it was obtained for the “improper purpose of stymying parliament”.

The government is appealing, and the case is scheduled to go to the UK Supreme Court on Tuesday.


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