Chrissy Teigen Makes Two-Year-Old Luna A Restaurant Menu To Deal With Her Fussy Eating

Parents also shared their own tips to tackle picky eaters.

Chrissy Teigen has come up with a solution for her toddler’s fussy eating habits, by making her a laminated restaurant menu with photos (and prices!) of dishes.

The mum-of-two previously tweeted, explaining she was struggling to make dinner for Luna, who only seemed to want spaghetti or fish sticks.

“I’m now spending my days making a menu, cooking and plating every meal and taking pics so my darling angel will eat something,” she wrote on Twitter. “Who have I become?! I just love projects.”

Last night, Teigen shared a video of said menu – and it’s pretty impressive.

I made a restaurant for my 2 and a half year old

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) December 18, 2018

The menu features dishes including: cereal and bananas, grilled cheese, cheese quesadilla, crispy fish sticks, and the adorably named ham and cheese “lunables”. Luna is clearly a cheese connoisseur.

Each page has the name of the dish, a brief description of what it is, a photo of it, and a price. Parents thought the idea was genius – some even asking whether they could buy one from the celeb mum.

Do you have these recipes in a book that I can purchase? I want to start giving my toddler more variety but I’m just not that imaginative with food :(

— 🦌🛷sleigh whaaat?! (@ayastigii) December 18, 2018

My kids are in their rooms packing. They want to live with you now.

— Ilene C. Asuncion (@ilenecas) December 19, 2018

This is brilliant. I’m so tired of the “what do you want for a snack/lunch/breakfast?” every day. Limited options, choose one. Done.

— Amy (@LilacAmy11) December 18, 2018

And when people questioned why there were prices on the menu, Teigen said she thinks her daughter is more likely to eat it if she pays – with fake money.

I feel like if she pays she will eat it (fake money!)

— christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) December 18, 2018

Following Teigen’s example, other parents shared tips on how to handle fussy eaters:

Call It A Snack

Also, sometimes my youngest will only eat “snack”. So I put dinner on the plate and call it snack. Works every time.

— Abbey T. (@AbbeyLynn8) December 17, 2018

Get Kids Involved

not a fix but it helps: the more i let my kids "help" make something (even if it's my 3yo stirring ranch in bowl), the more likely they'll want to try or eat it. Same with veggies/fruits - i take them to the store and let them pick the veggies they want to eat.

— hedish (@hedcon) December 17, 2018

Fake Jealousy

I would just cook dinner and when they asked what was for dinner I would say “oh, you don’t need to know, it’s only for grownups”. Sometimes they’d eat it out of jealousy🤷🏼♀️.

— Julie Ketchum (@oOJuJuBeeOo) December 17, 2018

Change The Names

Tricked my daughter in to liking asparagus by calling it green spaghetti. Also carrot “french fries”.

— kaytaydid (@kaytaydid) December 18, 2018