In case you hadn’t noticed: it’s Friday! With no more bank holidays to cling onto until August (*sob*), here’s our latest instalment of cute animal snaps and videos to see you into the weekend – and beyond.
1. Sneezy Cat Needs A Home.
A cat prone to sneezing fits is waiting patiently to find his forever home after being handed into Cats Protection’s adoption centre. Nine-year-old Elliott has chronic rhinitis, which means he’s particularly snuffly (hay fever sufferers will relate).
Sadly, staff at the centre in Chelwood Gate believe it might be putting off potential owners. “Elliott is definitely very snuffly and his condition means he has some damage to the bones in his nose,” said deputy manager, Tania Marsh. “However, this doesn’t bother him and he is a happy, affectionate chap.”
Cats with health conditions may seem like a daunting prospect for potential owners, said Marsh, but in many cases conditions can be managed with the right care. “Cats like Elliott deserve a safe, warm and loving home as much as any other cat,” she said, “and we hope we can find a new owner for him soon.” Got a cat-shaped hole in your life? You know what to do.

2. Dog Runs Ducky Daycare.
Fred the Labrador touched hearts last year when he adopted nine ducklings after their mother vanished. Now they’ve flown the nest, he’s back to his old tricks with six new fledglings to look after.
The 11-year-old pooch is the resident pet at Mountfitchet Castle near Stansted, Essex, where staff are touched to see him play such a key role in the birds’ welfare. Jeremy Goldsmith, director of Mountfitchet Castle, said: “He took to his role like a duck to water. Fred has got a wonderful nature. They absolutely love him.” LOVE YOU, FRED.

3. Dog Becomes A... Nun?
El doggo chewed a hole in its blanket and quickly found internet fame. 100% won’t have to pay for its sins.
4. Another Adorable Interspecies Friendship.
We all need that one friend to offload onto – and this young canine found just the bird for the job.
5. Rare Albino Panda Caught On Camera.
Last but not least, a rare albino panda has been captured on camera for the first time in a Chinese nature reserve – and boy is it a cutie. The bear has no distinctive black marks on its body and appears to have red eyes.
Li Sheng, a researcher with the School of Life Science at Peking University, estimates the panda is between one and two years old. Look at that fluffball!