Donald Trump Proves Bob Corker Right In Astoundingly Ironic Twitter Tirade

Trump calling 'anyone else incompetent is a riot'.

Bob Corker, the US Senator who branded the White House an “adult daycare centre” has accused Donald Trump of “debasing” the US and has almost immediately been proven right.

During a CNN interview at the Capitol, Corker said the President has “great difficulty with the truth” and is “purposely breaking down relationships we have around the world that had been useful to our nation”.

“It’s amazing. Unfortunately world leaders are very aware that much of what he says is untrue,” Corker continued. “Certainly people here are because these things are provably untrue. They’re just factually incorrect and people know the difference.”

He added: “I don’t know why he lowers himself to such a low, low standard and debases our country in that way but he does, but he does.”

Trump, without any hint of irony, responded with an insult-ridden string of tweets that contained at least one falsehood.

Bob Corker, who helped President O give us the bad Iran Deal & couldn't get elected dog catcher in Tennessee, is now fighting Tax Cuts....

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017

...Corker dropped out of the race in Tennesse when I refused to endorse him, and now is only negative on anything Trump. Look at his record!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017

Isn't it sad that lightweight Senator Bob Corker, who couldn't get re-elected in the Great State of Tennessee, will now fight Tax Cuts plus!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017

Sen. Corker is the incompetent head of the Foreign Relations Committee, & look how poorly the U.S. has done. He doesn't have a clue as.....

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017

...the entire World WAS laughing and taking advantage of us. People like liddle' Bob Corker have set the U.S. way back. Now we move forward!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 24, 2017

In a statement to the Guardian earlier this month, Corker’s chief of staff, Todd Womack, directly contradicted Trump’s continued assertion about endorsing him.

He said: “The President called Sen Corker on Monday afternoon and asked him to reconsider his decision not to seek re-election and reaffirmed that he would have endorsed him, as he has said many times.”

Donald Trump is like a drunk Richard Nixon.

— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) October 24, 2017

And the entire world laughs at us for having a lunatic in the White House

— Joe Barbour (@joeytwostops) October 24, 2017

You calling anyone else incompetent is a riot!

— Pé Resists (@4everNeverTrump) October 24, 2017

There was also much curiosity surrounding a rogue apostrophe.

I demand you explain that apostrophe. It's the only interesting thing about this tweet.

— David Zack (@davidzack) October 24, 2017

How do you pronounce liddle'? Is the apostrophe supposed to be an accent, like lidd-lay or what?

— Steve McKenna (@mckennase) October 24, 2017

Trump is at the Capitol today to meet with senators and seek consensus on a tax reform plan, reports Reuters.

Although a foreign policy specialist, Corker is also a key player in the tax debate. His support could be crucial as Republicans seek passage of the White House-backed tax plan in the closely divided Senate.

The senator from Tennessee, who recently announced he was not seeking re-election, pulled no punches in his onslaught against Trump, acknowledging that tensions between the two men, once allies, have been building for months.

With the tax plan, Trump is hoping to notch up his first major legislative win - something that has so far eluded him even though Republicans control the White House and both chambers of Congress.


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