us news

The word, central to Republican talking points, gets redefined in the vice president's first campaign ad.
The vice president is nearly tied with the former president in a hugely consequential election for US democracy.
The former president brought it up twice during a rally in North Carolina.
It broke out after the vice president's assertion about knowing "Donald Trump's type."
Pollster Tony Fabrizio predicted national public polls will soon show that "Harris is gaining on or even leading President Trump.”
The former president's insult was quickly turned into a reminder of his own recent past.
"Embrace her, she’s the best," the president said. "I know yesterday’s news is surprising, and it’s hard for you to hear, but it was the right thing to do.”
The presidential candidate said she's familiar with taking down "predators who abused women."
The Republican presidential nominee gave thousands of dollars to the likely Democratic presidential nominee when she ran for California attorney general.
The US vice-president is actually of South Asian and Jamaican descent.