Donald Trump has made Earth “a safer place”, his senior advisor Stephen Miller has claimed, just hours after the US President warned North Korea it faces “fire and fury like the world has never seen”.
Speaking to former Ukip leader turned LBC radio presenter Nigel Farage on Wednesday, Miller said Trump’s response to the newly nuclear-armed dictatorship had brought countries together.

“You see the passage of the UN Security Council resolution with the votes of China and Russia on North Korea,” Miller told Farage. “We are making the world a safer place.”
Read the exchange on North Korea, below. Listen to the audio, above.
After a leaked report revealed North Korea had successfully miniaturised nuclear warheads for application onto long-range missiles, Trump said of the country’s dictator Kim Jong-un: “He has been very threatening ― beyond a normal statement.
“As I said, they will be met with fire, fury and frankly power the likes of which this world has never seen before.”
North Korea responded by threatening to obliterate a US military base on the island of Guam, prompting Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to intervene - reassuring Americans they “should sleep well at night”.

But Miller, a 31-year-old California native who has risen to become one of the Trump administration’s most influential figures, told Farage that the President was facing the threat head-on.
“We all understand, as President Trump has articulated, the threat and menace that is posed by nuclear proliferation. That’s why the president is re-examining a failed strategy,” he said.
“By definition you have to change your strategic approach, your rhetoric, your entire thought process from the failed approaches of the past.
“Across the board we’ve inherited a lot of failed approach to a lot of foreign policy.”

And in the near 12-minute interview with Farage, Miller described Trump as a “fighter” looking out for “forgotten men and women”.
“Well first of all the President is a fighter. If you want to sum up the President in one word that would certainly be a good word to use,” he said.
“And he right now is relishing the opportunity to go to battle on behalf of what he termed the forgotten men and women of the country.
“It’s what he thinks about when he wakes up in the morning and when he goes to bed at night. That’s his focus.”