Donald Trump Urges Supporters To 'Take Back Control', Points To Brexit As An Example

'Mr Brexit' is back.

Donald Trump adopted the mantra of Vote Leave during his rally in Florida on Saturday night, pointing to Brexit as an example of people “taking back control”.

Last night’s speech was clumsy and confusing at times, with the US President seemingly inventing a terror attack in Sweden and launching another vicious tirade against the media.

Trump, who proudly labelled himself ‘Mr Brexit’ following the EU Referendum result, has made no secret of his friendship with former Ukip leader Nigel Farage, who was one of the first to meet the newly-elected president following his election victory last year.

US President Donald Trump speaks during his 'Make America Great Again' rally at Orlando Melbourne International Airport in Melbourne, Florida.
US President Donald Trump speaks during his 'Make America Great Again' rally at Orlando Melbourne International Airport in Melbourne, Florida.
Kevin Lamarque / Reuters

“I am here to tell you about our incredible progress in making America great again,” Trump told the cheering crowd last night.

“You are all part of this incredible movement,” he said.

“It’s a movement that is just sweeping... across our country, is sweeping, frankly, across the globe - look at Brexit.

“Look at Brexit. A much smaller example but is still something you can look to.

“People want to take back control of their countries and they want to take back control of their lives and the lives of their family.”

My movement is bigger than yours, Donald Trump tells Nigel Farage. Brexit "much smaller example" of appetite to take back control 🔥🔥🔥

— Kate McCann (@KateEMcCann) February 18, 2017

Donald Trump at his Florida rally has adopted Vote Leave's 'take back control' slogan.

— Ned Simons (@nedsimons) February 18, 2017

He said that America “remains the greatest symbol of liberty of freedom and justice” on Earth, adding: “And now we have spirit like we’ve never had before.

“It’s now that we have our sacred duty and had we have no choice and we want this choice to defend our country to protect its values had to serve its great, great citizens.

“Erasing national borders does not make people safer or more prosperous. It undermines democracy and trades away prosperity, we’re giving it away.”

The billionaire Republican continued: “The so-called global elite have done very well for themselves but have left working families with shrinking wages.

“Years ago, many of you in this room made more money with one job than you do now with two or three jobs.

“We fight politically correct wars, we don’t win in any capacity. We’re going to start winning again. Working together we have a chance to pursue real peace, real stability and real prosperity,” Trump added.

Earlier in the evening Trump appeared to completely fabricate a terror attack in Sweden.

He told his supporters: “You look at what’s happening in Germany. You look at what’s happening last night in Sweden. Sweden. Who would believe this? Sweden. They took in large numbers, they’re having problems like they never thought possible.

What the hell is he even talking about? There wasn't an attack last night in Sweden.

— Parker Molloy (@ParkerMolloy) February 19, 2017

Trump’s subsequent remarks made clear he was referring to European countries that had endured terrorist attacks in the past two years.

“You look at what’s happening in Brussels. You look at what’s happening all over the world,” he said. “Take a look at Nice. Take a look at Paris.”

And if that wasn’t bizarre enough, the US President invited one of his supporters who he had seen on television to the stage.

Trump brings supporter on stage: "I wouldn't say the Secret Service was thrilled with that, but we know our people"

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) February 19, 2017

The passionate Trump enthusiast revealed in an interview after his stage performance that he salutes a 6ft cardboard figure of the US President at home every day.

This is the man Trump brought on stage

— Andrew Hibbard (@andrewhibbard) February 19, 2017

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