Fatima Manji Details Racial Abuse By '12-Year-Old' Boy That Left Her With 'Tears In My Eyes'

Racism 'taught and learned at the greatest rate in the UK since my childhood'.
Fatima Manji has detailed her shock after being subjected to racial abuse by a young boy in London
Fatima Manji has detailed her shock after being subjected to racial abuse by a young boy in London
Channel 4

Channel 4 presenter Fatima Manji was left with “tears in my eyes” after being racially abused by a young boy in London in an incident that left her questioning how someone so young could be so hateful.

Manji, who was attacked in The Sun by Kelvin Mackenzie for wearing a hijab while reporting on the Nice terror attacks last year, tweeted about her encounter on Tuesday night, saying that she was “racially abused” by what looked like a 12-year-old while walking home from work.

Racially abused by what looked like a 12 year old in central London - "you f***ing Paki"

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

Manji said the boy repeated the abuse when she asked him what he said.

“He randomly abuses me as I’m walking down street, going home from work,” she wrote.

Manji said the exchange upset her on many fronts. The boy’s age, the lack of recourse and that racism “appears to be being taught and learned at the greatest rate in the UK since my childhood”.

Anti-hate charity Tell Mama was first to reply to Manji’s initial tweet, expressing despair that she had been abused.

Tell Mama director Iman Atta told HuffPost UK: “The abuse against Fatima Manji seems to have been unsolicited and where she was walking in a public place.

“The fact that a young boy can spew such racist hatred shows that some of this has been picked up and learnt and more than likely from a home, school or other environment where these words are said and go unchallenged. The incident shows how important it is for schools and education environments to create frameworks where such behaviour and language are challenged.”

A report published by Hope not Hate last week found that Britons’ attitudes towards Muslims and Islam had “worsened” with more than half of all respondents to a new survey believing the religion “poses a threat” to the West.

“The fear and hostility displayed towards Muslims is deeply worrying, despite most people claiming that they stand firm against extremists’ attempt to conflate their heinous actions with that of an entire religion,” Hope not Hate chief executive Nick Lowles said of the finding’s of the charity’s Fear And Hope 2017 report.

So sad and depressing. I fear given current media and political climate matters will only get worse before they get better. Stay strong.

— Mohammed Ikhlaq (@i_Pharm) September 4, 2017

“Clearly there is a lot of work to be done here, both by those tackling hate crimes and misinformation, and potentially by Muslim communities themselves.”

The report, based on a Populus survey of 4,000 people in “six identity tribes” across England, found that 52% of respondents believe Islam “poses a threat to the West”. As a result of recent terror attacks 42% of those surveyed were now “more suspicious” of Muslims and a quarter of Brits believe Islam is a “dangerous religion that incites violence”.

Me: "What did you say?" He repeats "I said you f***ing Paki" - he just randomly abuses me as I'm walking down street, going home from work https://t.co/pZ1LYnm6NG

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

I had tears in my eyes. So much hatred, so young. And yet there is no real recourse.

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

am so sorry to hear you suffered this. please be comforted by the knowledge that people like that are the minority, not the majority.

— Jhiaxus (@Jhiaxus_Prime) September 4, 2017

Racism is taught and learned. And it appears to be being taught and learned at the greatest rate in the UK since my childhood.

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

So sorry for you and also sorry for the child who must be growing up in a grim household.

— Jo (@TheJoJohnson17) September 4, 2017

Very good point, bringing children up to hate is abusive

— Claire Taylor (@_missct) September 4, 2017

That child is vile and needs educating You however are an inspiration & role model to a lot of 12 year olds & adults alike be hurt but be 💪

— John (@MyViewOnly47) September 4, 2017

Perhaps those caught should undergo a hundred hours of racial history education as a form of community service?

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

Great idea Fatima. Also this sort of abuse has had a comeback since the Brexit campaign.

— Truthcheck1 (@Truthcheck1) September 4, 2017

Thank you to all of you who have messaged in support and solidarity 👊🏽👊🏿👊🏻👊

— Fatima Manji (@fatimamanji) September 4, 2017

Manji concluded a string of Tweets on the incident by thanking “all of you who have messaged in support and solidarity”. Her account prompted an outpouring of disbelief, outrage and offers of support.

You're a phenomenal journalist, inspiring POC and incredible person. Hatred withers in the light. Thank you for being great!

— Luke Karmali (@lukekarmali) September 4, 2017

I'm appalled, horrified, angry, ashamed and embarrassed to read this. Be you. We need what you do.

— janet (@somersetwyvern) September 5, 2017

Just seen this thread. Thank you for sharing your experience as it must happen countless times daily and we must not look the other way.

— (((Mary Shaw))) (@marycshaw) September 5, 2017

The Sun was bombarded with complaints in July 2016 over MacKenzie’s column that claimed it was not appropriate for a “young lady wearing a hijab” to cover the killings which left more than 80 dead.

Ipso later cleared MacKenzie over any wrong doing, something that Manji said would herald an “open season on Muslims”.

“But now to know that has been given the green light by the press regulator and that effectively it is open season on minorities, and Muslims in particular, is frightening,” Manji said at the time.


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