Joe Sugg Calls Out Journalists For Targeting His 95-Year-Old Grandmother At Her Home

He's accused reporters of "taking advantage of an elderly person for their own gain".

‘Strictly Come Dancing’ finalist Joe Sugg and his professional partner Dianne Buswell have been enjoying a much-needed holiday together, but he took some time out from the break to call out the media for hounding him and his family since his time on the show.

Joe took particular issue with journalists showing up at his 95-year-old grandmother’s home and posing as neighbours to try and probe her for information, venting his feelings in a YouTube video.

Joe Sugg discusses the media's treatment of his family
Joe Sugg discusses the media's treatment of his family

He explained: “At the moment, as you can imagine, the press and news outlets are very, very interested in finding out what I get up to in my life. And what’s going on with my life… they want to know my business.”

Acknowledging the journalists in question all had bills to pay and families to care for, he continued: “The one part of it all that does upset me a little bit, and has disappointed me a little bit, is the fact that some journalists are pretending to be neighbours or people in the local area, and going to my 95-year-old nan’s house, knocking on her door and trying to get any information they can about me and people in my life.

“I just don’t understand how some people have basically gone to university for years to study a degree in journalism, to then find themselves a few years later going to someone’s 95-year-old nan’s house, probably being very manipulative in the way they get information out and basically taking advantage of an elderly person for their own gain, or a paper’s gain or a news outlet’s gain. I think it’s very disrespectful.”

The vlogger went on to describe being chased by a paparazzi photographer while driving to his holiday destination, where he was staying with Dianne, as well as his sister and her boyfriend, fellow vloggers Zoe Sugg and Alfie Deyes.

“The thing is as well,” he pointed out. “I’m a YouTuber, I’m a vlogger, what I do for a career is share my life with people over the internet.

“I don’t understand what they’re trying to get, I’m showing my life anyway. I don’t really understand how my career and the press goes together… I kind of am my own news outlet. I supply you guys [his fans] with my own news, myself. I don’t understand why they’re wasting their time.”

The day after this year’s ‘Strictly’ final, Joe made headlines when he confirmed rumours that he and Dianne’s relationship had turned romantic during their time on the show.

It was recently revealed that he and ‘Strictly’ winner Stacey Dooley would be fronting this year’s New Year’s Eve celebrations live on BBC One.


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