Michael Gove's New Brexit Job Has Prompted Some Brutal Jokes


Michael Gove is back!

The former justice secretary, last seen in a special Brexit production of Julius Caesar, has been given a prominent role in... Brexit negotiations.

The pro-Leave MP is one of ten Tories elected to the 21-strong Exiting the European Union Select Committee, which will have a wide remit to hold David Davis’ department to account.

In honour of the occasion, Adam Boulton today asked Gove if he was a “prize idiot”.

.@michaelgove asked if he feels like "a prize idiot" over the #Toryleadership @adamboultonSKY https://t.co/ZTvEJnIAKM

— Sky News (@SkyNews) October 27, 2016

Response to the whole thing has been restrained, concise, subtle... oh who are we kidding, it’s been utterly brutal.

Here’s the top 11, starting with the nicest.

11) We begin with the traditional falling over gif.

Michael Gove admits it was 'a mistake' to run for Prime Minister https://t.co/cqq04IMi1K pic.twitter.com/kRXyWovHHs

— Are We All Asleep ? (@demindblower) October 27, 2016

10) This resigned offering.

A Tory government: the only place where you can fail upwards. #MichaelGove

— Motörgregg (@clinteldorado) October 27, 2016

9) The likeness is uncanny.

How Michael Gove got on the Brexit committee pic.twitter.com/DywIQymN47

— Ken Shabby 🎃 (@MrKenShabby) October 27, 2016

8) Another obligatory Gove gif.

Oh, well done, Michael Gove.
Give yourself a slightly odd round of applause.
👐👏👋🖖pic.twitter.com/oRXQYvz1zk https://t.co/xvOt4KapNW

— Gareth Eb (@Ebenezer68) October 27, 2016

7) This conspiracy which is almost definitely possibly true.

A crew member told me the world is actually flat and pilots are part of a conspiracy to conceal this truth. I blame Michael #Gove.

— Richard Wilson (@WindleshamRich) October 27, 2016

6) The Canary’s view.

Michael Gove, who pledged weekly NHS £350m, has been appointed to scrutinise the government on why they're not enacting his lies.


— John Shafthauer (@hourlyterrier) October 27, 2016

5) The animal reference.

Michael Gove really is a little ferret isn't he? #bbcdp

— No Seasonal Pun (@Two_Left_Tweet) October 27, 2016

4) A glorious nod to the silver screen.

My face when I just turned the telly on to find Michael Gove talking shite.
Say #Brexit again, I dare you motherfucker. I double dare you. pic.twitter.com/O0UayKtAIc

— I am Paul Kelly. (@PaulK1966) October 27, 2016

3) This rather epic cartoon.

Michael Gove, he's back already! My pic pic.twitter.com/CbnnidmOmT

— Paul O'Hagan (@pmohagan) October 27, 2016

2) The STD analogy.

I see the political herpes that is Michael Gove has flared up again!

— Unnamed Insider (@Unnamedinsider) October 27, 2016

1) So. Brutal.

It's testament to Michael Gove's central heating system that he retains his summer face all year round. https://t.co/Am4xSd77bF

— TRUMPET (@_d_O_S_s_) October 27, 2016

He’s referring to this...

You may love autumn colours but I measure the passing of seasons by looking at the seasonal changes of tardigrade faces. pic.twitter.com/ZJFkJ5M4CH

— Jules Howard (@juleslhoward) October 27, 2016



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