Brave Mum Asks Internet To 'Judge' Her List Of Eight Baby Names For Girls, And It Went How You'd Expect

Is this a wise decision?

Whatever baby name you choose, you can guarantee there’ll be someone in the world who won’t like it, no matter how much you love it.

One mum decided to share her potential baby name ideas on the internet to gauge whether people liked or hated them.

And as you can imagine, it was a pretty brave thing to do considering how different people’s tastes are when it comes to names.

“Do you like or hate any of these?” Mumsnet user Catherinebee85 wrote on Sunday 9 April.

“Delilah, Eloise, Alana, Elise, Lois, Lucia, Elissa, Alex.”

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Although there was one person who stated she “loved them all”, many commenters naturally picked out the names they didn’t like.

“I love Elissa. Not sure on the rest though,” one person wrote.

Another commented: “I love Lucia but the others = meh.”

“I like Lois and Alana and that’s it,” wrote another.

And another wrote: “Delilah is brave, the rest are boring and unimaginative.”

One mum also wrote: “Love Eloise and Lois. Delilah is quite ‘out there’ but grows on you. The others I don’t hate, but don’t really like either.”

Many ended up picking out one or two names they liked on the list and claimed they “didn’t like” the rest. And each baby name had at least one person that wasn’t a fan of it.

We can’t help but think surely this isn’t helpful for mums-to-be, because having anyone tell you a potential baby name is “boring” won’t be nice to hear.

Seeking online baby name advice appears to be a growing trend, as recently one mum took to Mumsnet to ask opinions on her potentially “weird” name.

“Bligh - I love it, but worried it’s too strange,” the mum wrote on Monday 3 April.

“Also would it be even stranger to use it for a girl when it is a boys’ (though very uncommon) name? Or should I just forget it altogether?”

The majority of people weren’t keen on the name, but whether the mum took the advice on board or not, we don’t know.

Would you ask the internet for advice on your baby name choice? Let us know in the comments below.

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