Piers Morgan Threatens To ‘Bring Shirley Ballas Down’ After Accusing Head Judge Of ‘Disrespecting’ Good Morning Britain’s Charlotte Hawkins

We bet Shirley's shaking in her glittery heels.

Piers Morgan has declared he is on a crusade to “bring down” ‘Strictly Come Dancing’ head judge Shirley Ballas, after his fellow ‘Good Morning Britain’ presenter Charlotte Hawkins was voted off the BBC dance show.

Piers accused Shirley of “disrespecting” his colleague after she got her name wrong during Saturday night’s live show.

Charlotte Hawkins and Piers Morgan on Monday's 'Good Morning Britain'.
Charlotte Hawkins and Piers Morgan on Monday's 'Good Morning Britain'.

The judge mistakenly called Charlotte ‘Mollie’ - mixing her up with fellow ‘Strictly’ star Mollie King - something Piers made his feelings very clear about during Monday’s ‘GMB’, renaming Shirley ‘Mary’.

He fumed: “You see Mary, Mary Ballas, her name isn’t Mollie, he name is Charlotte and after two weeks of attacking her, you can’t even give her the respect of remembering her name.

“No wonder viewers aren’t invested in our colleague, because you, Mary Ballas, couldn’t even be bothered to get her name right.”

Shirley Ballas
Shirley Ballas
Matt Crossick - PA Images via Getty Images

Piers then announced that he was launching a campaign to “bring down Mary Ballas”.

He continued: “Her name will be forever Mary Ballas, there is now a campaign to bring down Mary Ballas.

“It’s not a viewer participation thing, it’s me. Me and Mary in a fight to the finish. The ultimate dance off.”

Following Piers’ outburst, a tearful Charlotte discussed her ‘Strictly’ exit, admitting it had been “a difficult morning”.

“I’m sorry. I am trying to keep it together but it’s a difficult morning. I’m just sad that it’s all over.

“It’s this magical sparkly world and you spend so much time in it. It gives you so much life and you feel full of so much energy, working towards a challenge like that, on a personal level. It’s such an amazing thing to do.”


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