Sharon Osbourne Faces Backlash After Uncomfortable Speech About Piers Morgan And Racism

Speaking on The Talk, Sharon said she felt she was about to be "put in the electric chair" over her friendship with Piers.

Sharon Osbourne has come under fire over an uncomfortable clip of her defending Piers Morgan, following his exit from Good Morning Britain.

The former X Factor judge tweeted at the time: “I am with you. I stand by you. People forget that you’re paid for your opinion and that you’re just speaking your truth.”

. @piersmorgan I am with you. I stand by you. People forget that you’re paid for your opinion and that you’re just speaking your truth.

— Sharon Osbourne (@MrsSOsbourne) March 9, 2021

On Wednesday, Piers was the topic of conversation on the US panel show The Talk, which Sharon regularly appears on.

Sharon once again defended her friend, with whom she worked on America’s Got Talent for many years, although many viewers felt she crossed a line with both the comments she made to fellow panellist Sheryl Underwood and her tone.

Sharon Osbourne gets heated with fellow cohost Sheryl Underwood on #TheTalk after being questioned about her support for Piers Morgan’s comments about Meghan

— Pop Crave (@PopCrave) March 10, 2021

Sharon told her fellow presenters: “I feel like I am about to be put in the electric chair, because I have a friend who many people think is a racist, so that makes me a racist. And for me, at 68 years of age to have to turn around and say, ‘I ain’t racist’... what’s it got to do with me?”

She then questioned: “How can I be racist about anybody or anything in my life?”

“Well,” began Sheryl, to which Sharon responded: “Well what?”

Sheryl then took the opportunity to cut to an ad break.

Sharon Osbourne
Sharon Osbourne

When the show resumed, Sharon said to her fellow panellist: “I will ask you again, Sheryl. I’ve been asking you during the break, and I’m asking you again.

“And don’t try and cry, because if anyone should be crying, it should be me.”

Raising her voice, Sharon continued: “This is the situation. You tell me where you have heard him say… educate me! Tell me! When you have heard him say racist things. Educate me! Tell me!”

Sharon Osbourne tells Sheryl Underwood: "Don't try and cry."
Sharon Osbourne tells Sheryl Underwood: "Don't try and cry."

“It is not the exact words of racism,” Sheryl responded. “It is the implication and the reaction to it… to not want to address that because [Meghan Markle] is a Black woman, and to try to dismiss it, and to make it seem less than what it is. That’s what makes it racist.

“But right now, I’m talking to a woman who I believe is my friend. And I don’t want anybody here to watch this and [think] we’re attacking you for being racist.”

As Sharon scoffed, Sheryl added: “For that, if I articulated…”

“I think it’s too late,” Sharon interrupted. “I think that seed’s already sown.”

Sheryl then clarified: “But that is why I’m saying, for me, I’m saying, for me, for me, I thought I was asking a question about the perception for other people. That’s why I pressed it with I’ve never heard you say anything racist, but I have felt that Piers was racist in his stance against Meghan Markle, and the last time he was on this show, I said as much.”

Sharon was heard saying “oh please, Sheryl”, during her co-star’s last statement.

As footage of the incident began circulating online, many voiced their disapproval for the way Sharon had spoken to her co-presenter about the issue of race:

It was the “Educate me!” for me. It is not a black woman’s job to educate ANYBODY about racism. The education one seeks is EVERYWHERE.

Further telling someone they have no right to their tears while YOU’RE crying is just:

*Viola grabbing her purse*

— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) March 11, 2021

Sigh. Sharon Osbourne as Karen weaponizing her white tears against a black woman. It is all about her. She puts the burden on Sheryl underwood to educate her. She shuts up Sheryl, claims victimhood and had the audacity to demand Sheryl must not cry.

— E. Vaughan (@HypeVaughan) March 11, 2021

The weaponizing of her tears, the way Sheryl has to talk softly to not appear “angry” ... the DEMAND to be educated. Then responding defensively!? Nah. This is disgusting.

— Nina Parker (@MzGossipGirl) March 10, 2021

This is so triggering to watch...Sharon weaponizing her tears so Sheryl has to basically coddle her feelings.

— Dionne Ayanna (@DionneAyanna) March 11, 2021

Sharon Osbourne, I love Meghan Markle & I love Piers Morgan I love people with personalities that are not afraid to speak their mind. But jesus christ a white person screaming in agreeance with another white person that a black person was not experiencing racism is ludicrous

— Kayla S. Karnika (@alittlelotus) March 11, 2021

Dear Sharon Osbourne, it’s not the job of a black person to educate you on the subject of race, and even if she wanted to, your aggressiveness if it’s the other way will be called ‘ angry black woman ‘ doesn’t help.

— 4RM_435™ (@blockstar007) March 11, 2021

Sharon Osbourne shouting at a black woman for her to explain racism. If that was a black woman she will be called aggressive. There’s your example of racism Sharon!!

You’re welcome!

— Tru Powell (@Tru_Powell) March 11, 2021

Sharon osbourne shouting at a black woman to explain racism to her is not working for me at allllllllllll

— Sidemanallday (@sidemanallday) March 10, 2021

Causally watching #thetalk and Sharon Osbourne is acting truly shameful right now. Using her tears trying to defend Piers Morgan.

— Stephanie (@schwailik) March 10, 2021

What Sharon Osbourne did to @sherylunderwood & @ElaineWelteroth was disgusting. You don’t demand POC educate you on racism. She lost complete control. I was heartbroken watching them have to sit there& take it. Case again of a white woman weaponizing her tears against black women

— Emme (@Emme52294) March 10, 2021

Behold Sharon Osbourne making it all about her, forcing the Black women around her to comfort her in her hour of victimhood. #TheTalk #PiersMorgan

— second nature (@second_nature) March 10, 2021

So Sharon Osbourne used her white woman tears in defense of a white man who has been obsessively harassing and hating on a black woman. #TheTalk

— Happy Cowboys Fan. (@AwesomeBamon) March 10, 2021

karen osbourne begging to be canceled live on the talk right now

— Déjà The View (@dejatheviewpod) March 10, 2021

“If anyone should be crying it should be me” lmaoooo what is this lady’s problem

— Naira Banks (@jackieaina) March 11, 2021

Phew, Sharon Osbourne today. It’s only racism if and when I say it is and my white woman hurt tears come first. Yikes.

— Jennifer Smith (@JenRachelSmith) March 11, 2021

The audacity to sit there and tell a black woman who’s meant to be your friend not to cry.. and then say it should be you crying. Wtf Sharon Osbourne you don’t sit there and ask that of a black woman No no no no

— All Aboard The #Freebritney Bus (@PiscesInTheZone) March 10, 2021

Although he didn’t comment on the clip in question, Piers has thanked Sharon for her public support, tweeting on Wednesday night: “When stuff like this happens, true friends run towards you, fake friends run away. I love Sharon Osbourne because she always stays true to herself.

“She knew she would get abused by the woke brigade for tweeting this – but did it anyway because it [is] what she believes.”

When stuff like this happens, true friends run towards you, fake friends run away. I love Sharon Osbourne because she always stays true to herself.
She knew she would get abused by the woke brigade for tweeting this - but did it anyway because it what she believes.

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) March 10, 2021

Addressing his GMB exit the day after it was announced, Piers said: “I believe in freedom of speech, I believe in the right to be allowed to have an opinion. If people want to believe Meghan Markle, that’s entirely their right.

“I don’t believe almost anything that comes out of her mouth and I think the damage she’s done to the British monarchy and to the Queen at a time when Prince Philip is lying in hospital is enormous and frankly contemptible.

“If I have to fall on my sword for expressing an honestly-held opinion about Meghan Markle and that diatribe of bilge that she came out with in that interview, so be it.”


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