'Things Can Only Get Wetter': Rishi Sunak Gets Soaked As He Announces Election Date

The PM's campaign launch got off to a terrible start.

Rishi Sunakā€™s general election campaign got off to a disastrous start as he was soaked by heavy rain and his speech to the country was disrupted by a Labour Party anthem.

The prime minister stood outside 10 Downing Street to announce that the country will go to the polls on July 4.

He said: ā€œOver the next few weeks, I will fight for every vote, I will earn your trust, and I will prove to you that only a Conservative government, led by me will not put our hard-earned economic stability at risk, can restore pride and confidence in our country and and with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you, your family and our United Kingdom.ā€

But his big moment was marred by the heavy downpour which left his suit soaking wet.

At the same time, his statement was almost drowned out by a protester playing the D:Ream song ā€˜Things Can Only Get Betterā€™, which was the soundtrack to Labourā€™s 1997 landslide election win.

A Lib Dem source said: ā€œThings can only get wetter.ā€

By contrast, Keir Starmer chose to stand inside as he declared that the election was ā€œa moment the country needs and has been waiting forā€.

He said: ā€œIt will feel like a long campaign ā€“ Iā€™m sure of that. But no matter what else is said and done. That opportunity for change is what this election is about.

ā€œOver the course of the last four years ā€“ we have changed the Labour Party, returned it once more to the service of working people.

ā€œAll we ask now ā€“ humbly ā€“ is to do exactly the same for our country, and return Britain to the service of working people.ā€

Users of X (formerly Twitter) were typically scathing about the PMā€™s campaign launch.


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