Tory MP Anna Soubry Called 'Nazi' By Chanting Protesters Live On BBC News

"I think this is astonishing. This is what has happened to our country."

Anna Soubry has been called a “Nazi” by protestors chanting near a live BBC News broadcast outside Westminster.

The Tory MP was discussing Theresa May’s Brexit plan with presenter Simon McCoy when they had to stop their conversation due to the noise.

Pointing to the protestors, Soubry said: “I do object to being called a Nazi, actually. I think this is astonishing.This is what has happened to our country, this is what’s happened to our country.

“But anyway, let’s try and stay positive about things.”

The protestors, who were out of shot, then began chanting: “Liar, liar, liar”.

Is this what its come to ...? @Anna_Soubry faces "nazi" taunts.....

— norman smith (@BBCNormanS) January 7, 2019

Soubry said the incident was “seriously worrying”, adding: “I’m afraid the truth is that Brexit has unleashed these people. This is Britain now. This is not the country I know and love and these people do not represent our country and they need sorting out.”

She added: “I’m told that we should get used to it, but we shouldn’t have to. Apparently it’s democracy in action and the CPS (Crown Prosecution Service) believe that no offences are being committed.”

Speaking in the Commons, Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay condemned the abuse. “Where people are on the Brexit debate, all of us in this House should be able to air their views,” he said.

John Bercow, the Speaker, said he was worried about a pattern of abuse that appeared to be targeted “in particular at women”.

“Peaceful protest is a vital democratic freedom but so is the right of elected members to go about their business without being threatened or abused,” he told MPs.

“Female members, and in a number of cases I’m advised, female journalists have been subjected to aggressive protest and what many would regard as harassment.”

The protesters were also criticised by many others including presenter Piers Morgan and Labour’s Angela Rayner.

Disgusting to hear pro-Brexit yobs chanting such nasty foul-mouthed abuse at @Anna_Soubry & @KayBurley live on @SkyNews.
Sums up the depressingly toxic state of this whole debate.
Come on Britain, we're better than this - surely?

— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) January 7, 2019

What has our Country come to when watching @BBCNews all you can hear is chants from protesters calling @Anna_Soubry a Nazi - how disgusting and offensive- they do their causes no good!

— Angela Rayner (@AngelaRayner) January 7, 2019

Soubry, an ardent Remainer, was making the case for a second referendum and a public vote on the PM’s plan.

May will intensify efforts to win over her Brexit critics and seek fresh guarantees from Brussels ahead of next week’s crunch vote on her deal.

The prime minister acknowledged she was “still working on” getting further assurances from the European Union to address concerns about the backstop measure aimed at preventing a hard border with Ireland.

But as MPs returned to Westminster after the Christmas break she was warned that the attitudes of Tory Brexiteers had hardened, with Boris Johnson stating that a no-deal Brexit was closest to what people voted for in the referendum.

He used his Daily Telegraph column to dismiss “downright apocalyptic” messages about a Brexit on World Trade Organisation (WTO) terms, arguing that people could “sort fact for nonsense”.

Speaking to Sky News about the incident later on Monday afternoon, Soubry said: “I’m a criminal barrister and I’m also a lass from Worksop – I don’t get scared by these people or intimidated.

“My difficulty is I want to respond and I know I must not.”

"I don't get scared by these people or intimidated" - @Anna_Soubry responds to noisy protests outside Westminster ahead of a crucial Brexit vote.

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— Sky News (@SkyNews) January 7, 2019

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