Wedding Limits Could Be Lifted, Even If June 21 Is Delayed

Good news for couples who have rescheduled their weddings three, or even four, times.

The news that June 21 ‘unlockdown’ could be delayed has come as a blow to couples who have rearranged their weddings for late June/early July.

For some, it could mean delaying their wedding for a third, or even fourth, time.

My mind and heart really can’t take planning our wedding for the fourth time.💔 The wedding industry cannot be forgotten anymore, especially when football crowds are allowed! Allow normal weddings from 21st June. 🙏@BorisJohnson @MarkTamiMP @WAWofficialUK #whataboutweddings

— Kimberley Gibbs (@LittleKimGibbs) June 9, 2021

@BorisJohnson @WAWofficialUK
I'm now on my third wedding date and we have lost thousands of pounds in money. Do you even care about anyone else bozza or are you fine now because you got to have your big day first time round?#whataboutweddings

— Elliot Rose (@ElliotR57630257) June 9, 2021

@BorisJohnson the Conservatives are meant to be the party of tradition & marriage, yet the attention given to weddings has been terrible. Can we rely on you to ensure weddings are allowed to go ahead in a meaningful way from #June21st with no limits, social distancing or masks?

— Leigh Quilter (@LeighQuilter) June 9, 2021

But there could be a glimmer of hope for the couples, as reports suggest Boris Johnson will lift the 30-person limit on weddings even if the easing of other lockdown restrictions is delayed beyond June 21.

Despite the news that the full ‘unlockdown’ could be delayed for a fortnight, The Times has reportedly been told the 30-person cap will be removed on June 21.

It’s not clear whether there would still be an upper limit to the number of guests if this was the case, or if there would be an unlimited number allowed.

This will come as welcome news to the thousands of engaged couples waiting to tie the knot, many who have shared their frustrations on social media using the #WhatAboutWeddings hashtag.

People have posted their anger that fans are allowed in football stadiums, while there is still a 30-person cap on wedding guests.

How is a football match allowed to go ahead with thousands of football fans, when a wedding (an important life event) can’t have unlimited numbers of guests? It’s beyond belief that some brides will get SEVEN days notice it’s not good enough and heartbreaking #whataboutweddings

— Hannah (@HannahStubbsF) June 9, 2021

I’m designing a new wedding venue. Early stages but I think I’m on to something.

Seats 10,000 guests


— Richard Parsons (@glosmagician) June 9, 2021

I’ve had my wedding booked since 2017, postponed in 2020 and I just can’t get my head around 1000s of people can congregate with strangers at a football match but I can’t celebrate with my family&friends on the most important day of my life! #whataboutweddings

— KT 🖤🦋 (@kaatees_) June 9, 2021

Others have shared their anger that further postponement could mean they won’t get married for another year, as many venues are fully booked.

‘Just’ 2 weeks will mean rescheduling my wedding for the 3rd time, and funnily enough I can’t simply knock it on by 2 weeks. Finding yet another new date which works for us, venue and our ten amazing suppliers takes us into 2023. Over three years delay. #whataboutweddings

— Ione Walder (@BOOKISH_HQ) June 8, 2021

Please STOP saying “a few more weeks”. It doesn’t work like that. Pre-covid weddings are booked 2-3 years in advance. Dates are fully booked from 21st June, it is not a case of picking a weekend 3 weeks in advance #whataboutweddings

— Josh Thompson (@Josh_JGThompson) June 9, 2021

Couples are likely to find out the fate of their big day on June 14, when Boris Johnson is expected to lay out details of step four in the roadmap out of lockdown.
