Hilarious Takes On The Labour Split To Distract You From This Latest Political Crisis


For anyone thinking UK politics was all a bit dull and uneventful lately, a group of seven Labour MPs this morning announced they were resigning from the party to form a new ‘Independent Group’.

Luciana Berger and Chuka Umunna led the breakaway, in which they launched a brutal attack on Jeremy Corbyn’s refusal to back a second Brexit referendum and the party’s recent handling of the ongoing anti-Semitism crisis.

So, with 39 days left to Brexit the opposition is literally falling apart.

Or, as someone who probably didn’t realise they were being picked up by a BBC microphone and broadcast to the nation live, said: “This is mad. Between this and Brexit we’re fucked.”

I think all political news would be improved by someone muttering “we’re fucked” over it pic.twitter.com/MZVHhtZkZx

— Alan White (@aljwhite) February 18, 2019

Here’s how the #LabourSplit news conference unfolded.

The Independent Group made their first announcement with the unveiling of their bold retro logo.

Didn't expect that tbh #LabourSplit pic.twitter.com/TmI9MSo6jg

— General Boles (@GeneralBoles) February 18, 2019

OK, that’s not actually it, but their very basic website and logo was fairly uninspiring.

“lord sugar has challenged the apprentices to launch a new political party” pic.twitter.com/dgZP7AJhoY

— edit (@multiplebears) February 18, 2019

Sorry but the logo of "The Independent Group" looks like a spin off of Huel

— hussein kesvani (@HKesvani) February 18, 2019

Perhaps inevitably, this prompted comparisons to a certain genre of adverts.

What an inspiring vision.... #LabourSplit pic.twitter.com/WBcTpKmTtR

— EL4C💥 (@EL4JC) February 18, 2019

And let’s face it, they totally missed a trick with the name.

If the new political party coming from the #LabourSplit isn't called 'Chuka Vision' then they should frankly not bother

— Tom Ruzyllo (@truzyllo) February 18, 2019

Mike Gapes however, was all over the opportunity to rename himself and seems to have taken a leaf from a Marvel Comic.

Iron Mike Gapes. #ThePeoplesGapes pic.twitter.com/3VVm3hvPmv

— Hamish Hunter (@HamishSHunter) February 18, 2019

It’s not clear how much financial backing the new group has just yet and as a potential fresh political movement they are still a little short of members, but some on Twitter were sure that opponents would soon find out who is to blame.

Waiting for the Novaratrons to say that the #LabourSplit is the result of American imperialism / Zionism / Tory donors / The Lady From Countdown pic.twitter.com/GVR69JLbfH

— Frances Weetman (@francesweetman) February 18, 2019

One suggestion for how they might address their lack of infrastructure sought to monopolise on a recent report that Corbyn’s son is renting out his ex-council flat on AirBnB for a tidy profit.

Booking out Seb Corbyn’s Air BnB for their new HQ would be the Banter Party option. #LabourSplit

— Dan Fox (@d4nf0x) February 18, 2019

Jeremy Corbyn himself responded to the news by saying he was “disappointed”, before adding that Labour at the last election “increase[d] our vote by the largest share since 1945”.

I am disappointed that these MPs have felt unable to continue to work together for the Labour policies that inspired millions at the last election and saw us increase our vote by the largest share since 1945.

— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) February 18, 2019

Funnily enough though, the Labour leader didn’t mention what had happened since then.

You missed off “and still lost to the worst Tory govt in my lifetime”

You’re welcome.

— Emma Kennedy (@EmmaKennedy) February 18, 2019

And shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry suffered a rather unfortunate cropping of her statement on Facebook.

.@EmilyThornberry has issued a long statement on Facebook in response to Labour splitters, but I quite like the thumbnail version pic.twitter.com/pE2OlLR3qi

— Jess Brammar (@jessbrammar) February 18, 2019

But obviously die-hard Corbyn supporters took the news with good grace and humility...

Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer, we’ll keep the red flag flying here.

— Young Labour (@YoungLabourUK) February 18, 2019

The 7 Dwarves are merely the first to jump. This has been long-planned and will be the start of something not the end. Be prepared for a co-ordinated choreographed dance of treachery. #ByElectionsNow #LabourSplinter #DanceOfThe7Veils

— George Galloway (@georgegalloway) February 18, 2019

Yawn.. the sob stories this lot are trotting out. The insults and smears. Any policies? Nope, didn't think so.. Bye bye fuckity bye splitters #LabourSplit

— Abby #GTTO🌹 (@abbyhoffmann) February 18, 2019

We’ll give Umunna the last word: “The bottom line is this – politics is broken.”


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