am i doing it wrong

Can it be left out or should it be stored in the fridge? People have big feelings about this topic, so we got some answers.
There's a way to take the edge off a situation without using triggering phrases that can make people even more irritated.
There’s a certain kind of toxin a zap in the microwave cannot kill — and it poses a risk to your health.
Yes, you might be doing your laundry wrong. Here's what you need to know.
A 30-second check at the beginning of your stay could save you a ton of trouble down the line.
HuffPost's "Am I Doing It Wrong?" podcast offers tips for scoring a great deal on a hotel room and what to do to ensure your stay is as hygienic as possible.
So many of us are cranky, in need of a nap or altogether physically and emotionally depleted right now. It may not be our fault.
Nationally renowned anal surgeon Dr. Evan Goldstein dropped by HuffPost's "Am I Doing It Wrong?" podcast to teach us to poop better.
Sumi Ali, the co-founder of YES PLZ Coffee, tells the hosts of HuffPost’s podcast “Am I Doing It Wrong” that there’s one simple step to make your coffee the best it can be.
Tattoo artist Virginia Elwood chatted with HuffPost's "Am I Doing It Wrong?" podcast about the one thing a reputable tattoo artist should never ask you.