
“It has been left to the media and desperate, anguished parents to expose the brutal reality of our system of detention of people with learning disabilities or autism."
"Sat trying to hold back tears...the possibility of taking my son to a match is incredible!"
The teen campaigner is targeted for her ‘disturbed’ bluntness, tone of voice and even her facial expressions. I know first-hand what that’s like, writes Ellen Jones
People with anxiety disorders, brain injury or autism can apply for the badge in England.
"If everyone parented the way we train dogs, we would end up with more confident, compassionate and curious."
Leading child psychotherapists have said they are “deeply concerned” by the programme, which features world renowned dog trainer Jo-Rosie Haffenden.
A recent altercation I had with a flight attendant exemplified just how little most people understand about neurological diversity.
The hidden disability sunflower lanyards operate in several supermarkets – including Tesco and Sainsbury's – as well as a number of airports.