Charlie Falconer, Baron Falconer of Thoroton

Labour's Lord Falconer tells HuffPost UK internal market bill could cost Britain a "terrible price" with peers set to defeat government.
Latest defence prompts ridicule from Labour and Lord Falconer says Brandon Lewis is 'being hung out to dry' for telling truth.
With the Commons now suspended for five weeks, Boris Johnson’s controversial plans to force through Brexit on October 31 enters the courts. Scotland’s highest court has ruled that prorogation was unlawful but what will the Supreme Court make of it? While Johnson fights the law, Jeremy Corbyn is fighting members of his own party to hold the line. Labour former cabinet minister, Lord Charlie Falconer and former Tory special adviser to Sajid Javid, Salma Shah speak with Arj and Paul about the week in Westminster.
Ex-justice secretary Lord Falconer tells HuffPost UK it is “total, utter and complete rubbish” for the government to suggest it can bypass Benn bill.
Margaret Hodge claims Labour leader is protecting his 'mates'.
The five things you need to know about politics today