Christine Blasey Ford

By pairing her with the man she claims abused her in their list of the world's most influential people, Time told people like Dr Ford and I that they do not believe us
This past year saw heroic feats of tenacity, effort, humanity and humour. Here’s our rundown of the people who inspired us in 2018.
She has had to move house four times, hire a private security detail, has not been able to return to her job. The idea that anyone would willingly bring this upon themselves is as bizarre as it is damaging
The actions taken by individual employees is a significant one. It sends a powerful message to the big wigs who feel untouchable that the truth will out eventually
I reported my sexual assault but I was still silenced. I didn’t realise but Ford's words have become mine, the undertow of my thoughts and dreams and fears for 21 years
It is exhausting and unacceptable that survivors have to go through this collective trauma again and again, just to push back even just a little against some of the most powerful men in the world
Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony is hitting home for women across the country.
There's been a huge outpouring of support after her powerful Senate hearing testimony.
The supreme court nominee himself will also appear before the senate judiciary committee.