Chronic condition

Living with a chronic condition has made me realise how harmful the mantra is, writes Robin Hatcher.
Rapper Ali Gaspar AKA A Star shares what he's learnt about becoming a father while living with chronic illness.
Diabetes UK ambassador and Ironman triathlete Jack Anderson shares his learnings since being diagnosed.
Lucy Pasha-Robinson chats with BBC journalist and invisible illness activist Jam Prescod, who lives with Lupus.In this episode, we’re talking about pain: how radical it is to vocalise your pain as a Black woman; the legacy of not being believed when living with pain, and the emotional pain of adjusting to chronic illness – and all the lifestyle changes that can bring. We talk about what it means to be the perfect patient, and how to advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office – even if your consultant is kind of intimidating.
In this debut episode of Chronic, Lucy Pasha-Robinson is joined by sex educator and YouTube star Hannah Witton, who lives with ulcerative colitis. We dive head first into that enduring question that drives so many of us living with chronic illness round the bend – why are people so keen to offer up unsolicited advice on how to get better?
Rowing with your parents can have a big impact, no matter what your age.
Woman with chronic illness speaks out about ordeal so others “don’t have to suffer this kind of difficulty, shame, discrimination and awkwardness.”
As my illness has progressed, formerly dear friends have gone absolutely MIA.
While the term “burnout” has mostly been used to describe feeling overwhelmed or tired, it has officially been added to the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) International Classification of Diseases. They describe burnout as “chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed”.