
A crack team is being trained up to convince Black and Asian people to take the Covid jab. Here's what they're doing.
Wagner Araujo and his wife Elaine flew into Heathrow from Brazil, one of the 33 countries on Britain's "red list" of high risk destinations. They now have to pay £2,400 as a couple for a 10-day quarantine hotel package.
All those aged 50 and over, as well as adults aged 16-65 in an at-risk group, should be vaccinated by May.
Official figures estimate the UK-wide reproduction number is between 0.7 and 1.0.
With the UK under strict lockdown measures and schools closed, we talk to psychotherapist and counsellor Lucy Fuller about the effect on children’s mental health. What are some red flags that suggest a child may not be coping, and how can parents and caregivers help?
Revellers from the UK and Spain are understood to have joined the huge New Year's Eve event in Brittany.
UK Health Minister Matt Hancock makes a statement to parliament regarding review of coronavirus restrictions.
The government is sending millions of lateral flow tests to tier 3 areas for community testing programmes, despite serious concerns about false negatives.
Amid packed sorting centres and self-isolating staff, postal workers have been left at breaking point.
One headteacher in Hertfordshire has already been sent a “minded to direct” letter from schools minister Nick Gibb warning emergency powers could be used.