Democratic National Convention

But the president is right that Donald Trump does not have an insurmountable lead.
The California senator, a historic nominee for vice president, painted a vision of unity “no matter what we look like, where we come from or who we love.”
Trump has “shown no interest in putting in the work," Obama said in a speech that also lauded "brother" Joe Biden for his character and resilience.
The lawmaker said NBC's clarification wasn't enough to correct the "incredible amount of damage and misinformation."
Donald Trump's son drew backlash over his four-word post during the Democratic National Convention.
The president's Twitter rant at the former first lady backfired as he was almost immediately fact-checked.
"It is what it is," the former first lady said in a stirring speech at the 2020 Democratic National Convention.
The Democratic Party's nominee to challenge Donald Trump won't be confirmed today. But it could make one person unstoppable.
The democratic socialist is assembling a broad coalition of voters.
There’s a chance the party could lose control of the state if three accused politicians are forced to resign.