donald trump jr

The president's eldest son shared what he thinks is the "perfect description” of the image that has become a scathing meme.
Amongst them was a claim from Trump himself that the EU was formed to "screw" the US.
US conservatives including Donald Trump Jr and Sean Hannity have shared misleading figures about arsonists igniting bushfires.
Donald Jr retweeted an article describing the move as “pathetic”.
The president's son has an estimated net worth of $200 million.
The Dhvani ad is intended to be a harsh comment on Trump's crackdown on reproductive rights, according to the CEO.
The New York Times reports the video shows a fake Trump attacking versions of PBS and HuffPost, as well as a fake Sen. Bernie Sanders.
Critics noted the hypocrisy of President Donald Trump's daughter celebrating nature.
Donald Trump’s son was mercilessly mocked for missing the point — and a typo.
Trump’s sons and son-in-law among 81 people or entities under the spotlight.