food allergies

For first time parents especially, we’re always on edge when it comes to allergens.
They're in almost every recipe you eat, and doctors report it's not an uncommon sensitivity for people with gastrointestinal distress.
Food allergies and other challenges don't have to get in the way of eating out. These apps and handy tricks can help.
You will have to excuse me, my anaphylaxis is showing.
What you consider an annoyance could be crucial for someone else's safety, whether they have coeliac disease or a nut allergy.
It's now in cakes, biscuits, bread, processed meats, plant-based milks and more.
Natasha Ednan-Laperouse, 15, died after reacting to sesame in a Pret baguette in 2016.
A new law will come into effect which forces all food businesses to list all ingredients on any pre-packaged food. Named “Natasha’s Law” after 15-year-old Natasha Ednan-Laperouse died after eating a baguette at Pret A Manger that contained sesame, which was not labelled as an ingredient.
It comes after 15-year-old Natasha Ednan-Laperouse had an allergic reaction to a baguette and died.
Other sufferers say it felt like being asked to sign "a licence to kill".