how it feels

Stress is a universal issue, and workplace wellbeing is by almost all accounts on the decline – if someone had just really seen me and the signs I wasn’t well, they could have prevented me hitting rock bottom
I am proud of the unique experiences I had with Laura, but grieve too for the 'normal' things we never experienced as brother and sister
Five years after Angus had been given the all clear, I started to notice a lot of pain in my lower back – suddenly my family were going through cancer all over again
One or both of my sons might need a lifesaving donor like mine
It’s strange to accept there's battles I will never win with myself – but my diagnosis has allowed me understand myself better
I can still remember the time I realised the nurses weren’t speaking a different language, I just couldn’t understand or process the words people were saying
There is a level of shame when it comes to disease, a perception of immigrant failure comes to mind
Emetophobia, which is characterised by an intense fear of being sick, occupies my mind all day, every day
It was like looking down the barrel of your whole life – not in a linear, photo album kind of way but more like a scattered scrapbook of your fears, hopes and hard truths
Many of us ‘long term survivors’ haven’t prepared for old age, we just didn’t think it would happen to us - we will all face new and unprecedented challenges