
Forget what you think you know and prepare for intriguing plots, outstanding performances and, of course, incredible music.
WhatsApp memes accusing Labour of being “anti-Indian” and enabling grooming gangs circulate among voters – but will they affect the election result?
The archbishop has expressed regrets and apologies for a massacre by British colonial forces upon hundreds of Indians participating in a demonstration for independence 100 years ago. He also prostrated in prayer at the memorial for the victims.
A successful landing would have made India the fourth country to land a vessel on the lunar surface.
"You are a Unicef ambassador for peace and you’re encouraging nuclear war against Pakistan," one audience member said during a Q&A section.
The much-disputed region is, once again, the epicentre for potential conflict.
The family of 17-year-old Osaib Altaf's family told HuffPost India that he drowned in a river as he tried to escape police.
Which state will next be deemed too troublesome to be allowed to participate in democracy, asks HuffPost India's editor in chief.