Kamala Harris

Earlier this week, a White House official said that the Israelis “have more or less accepted” the cease-fire proposal.
Harris’ renewed focus on abortion rights remarks come as part of Biden’s presidential campaign strategy, which is set to ramp up this week.
A new ad and events from Biden and Harris signal a new focus for the campaign.
The vice president explained why she wasn’t letting fear get the best of her during a recent appearance on The View.
“It is language that is meant to divide. It is language that I think people have rightly found similar to the language of Hitler,” Harris said.
The Israeli prime minister over the weekend said the conflict was entering its "second stage" in what is expected to be a "long and difficult" ground operation.
Harris dropped a big prediction about the 2024 election after CBS' Margaret Brennan questioned her about national polls.
Vice President Harris told CBS' Margaret Brennan that President Biden is sharp as ever but she'd be prepared to take office "if necessary."
Harris explained why she's "always concerned" about voters' opportunity to cast a ballot before appearing to torch Republicans in an MSNBC interview.
"This violent act was not in pursuit of public safety," she said of the force Memphis police officers used on Nichols.