Mike Pence

Even as health officials predict the US death toll could climb to 240,000, Trump and Pence resisted a national order.
Trump declined to say if he had been tested for the virus himself amid reports he was in contact with two lawmakers who interacted with a coronavirus patient.
The vice president has no medical experience – and that's not the only problem.
Donald Trump is reported to have been “apoplectic”.
The US vice president's press communications office denied it and tweeted a photo of the two engaging in friendly conversation a short time earlier.
The president said he hoped "Russia, China or Napoleon Bonaparte" got involved.
Vice President called out for "humiliating" Ireland with his comments during his visit.
He's got official business in Dublin, not across the country in Doonbeg.
The president tweeted: "Boris is exactly what the U.K has been looking for, & will prove ‘a great one!’"
"When it comes to the American flagpole, and American embassies, and capitals around the world, one American flag flies," the vice president said.