
Facing unemployment due to Covid mandates, the Desperate Housewives actor opted to join the controversial social media platform.
"I knew going into this that I would need to grow a thick skin. What I didn’t know was that I would need it to protect me from those who were supposed to be my friends."
A jury found him guilty by unanimous verdicts of two counts of disclosing private sexual photographs and films with intent to cause distress.
OnlyFans said it would be banning pornographic content. Then it changed its mind. Creators have been left with serious whiplash.
The subscription site said it would "continue to provide a home for all creators" days after a planned policy change drew mass panic from sex workers.
From friendly chats and cosplay to all out fetishes, porn stars have never been closer to their viewers.
The content subscription service is driving fans closer than they've ever been to their favourite musicians, fitness instructors and even drag queens
Uploading to OnlyFans didn’t make me feel more attractive, more muscular, or more sexy – instead it forced me to look at myself with a kinder eye, writes James Cullen