
Flora Blathwayt was shocked at the amount of plastic she found on a beach clean – so she put it to good use.
"No material comes without an environmental consequence," warns Greenpeace as Morrisons begins paper bag trial.
Stay safe and eco-friendly with mindful measures and plastic-free alternatives.
The rise of single-use plastics to tackle the coronavirus is understandable, but as face masks become mandatory the decision over which type to have is becoming more important. Single use plastic is winding up in our oceans, but the pandemic is also allowing companies and governments to cover reversing on decisions and action that will help reduce our plastic waste.
The bottle is made from recycled paperboard with a recycled plastic food-grade liner to hold the wine or spirit.
Environmental activists are sounding the alarm as city streets become littered with masks and gloves, and single-use plastics get a new lease on life.
The chain is the first health and beauty retailer in the UK to make the move on its own-brand products, saving 418kg of plastic waste each year.
Food waste is out, but plastic gloves are in. Here’s what the pandemic is doing to our environmental credentials.
Penzance achieved "plastic free" accreditation in 2017. Since then, more than 100 other communities have done the same.
Don't let recycling confusion waste your time. This is what you need to know ♻️