Republican National Convention

The former US president delivered a 92-minute address, dispelling the myth that he was a changed man following his assassination attempt.
Donald Trump briefly tried a "new tone" — before pivoting to Hannibal Lecter, "crazy" Pelosi, insurrection lies and more of his greatest hits.
The former first lady been largely absent from the public eye recently.
The former president described the recent attempt on his life in detail, and in an unusually subdued tone.
"It was a funny thing to do, but it was a serious thing because of the tragedy that happened," one attendee said.
"You don’t have to agree with Trump 100 percent of the time to vote for him," former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley said on Tuesday.
Trump made a surprise showing at the Republican National Convention, where thousands of delegates had just made him their 2024 presidential nominee.
One simply cannot wear a green screen dress and not expect to be green-screened.
One America News correspondent Chanel Rion lobbed questions that would have sounded at home on authoritarian state-owned television.
In his speech closing out the GOP convention, Trump said a vote for Joe Biden would be "the destroyer of American greatness."