
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) fumbled a simple question in a debate with his Democratic challenger, adding to the speculation that he’ll run for president in 2024.
A weak insult aimed at the Fox News host’s son has triggered infighting in the Republican Party.
The former attorney general had the perfect comeback to a weak insult from his old boss.
Trump crony Steve Bannon waxed lyrical about plans to amass thousands of “shock troops” to seize the government.
Walmart Finally Ditches MyPillow
11 Senate Republicans voted against a motion advancing $40 billion in assistance to Ukraine for its ongoing war with Russia.
According to Trump’s former secretary of state, conservatives are a bigger threat to the U.S. than China.
Michigan state Sen. Mallory McMorrow delivered a blistering rebuke after a Republican colleague made baseless “grooming” accusations against her advocacy for the LGBTQ community.
Republicans have been assailing Hunter Biden for international business work while his dad Joe Biden was vice president even though they have not objected to Jared Kushner’s work.
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) wants to send the Capitol Police after Jimmy Kimmel after he told a joke on his television show.