revenge porn

"The public, especially younger individuals, are sharing intimate images in increasing numbers without considering the consequences."
The landmark legislation is changing for the better.
The AI-generated nudes, which look horrifyingly realistic, are sweeping the web.
The image-based sexual abuse I lived through leaves scars. But women like me must refuse to be shamed.
The UK helpline has dealt with more cases this year than it did during the whole of 2019, with women worst affected.
One in seven women have received revenge porn threats. Refuge's The Naked Threat campaign is urging the government to change the law.
24-year-old woman's case comes as campaigners push for websites to regulate content.
So-called 'revenge porn' threats are "increasing feature of domestic abuse", says Victims' Commissioner Vera Baird.
Victims' Commissioner Vera Baird is urging the government to amend and reintroduce the bill.