After someone labelled my son a "gobby little sh*t", I spoke to other parents about society's attitudes towards their autistic children. It's clear there's so much more to be done.
Concerns have also been raised that the appeals system could favour the most "well-heeled and sharp-elbowed" families.
Parents of disabled children are being forced to become protestors to stand any sort of chance of getting the support their child is legally entitled to, National Deaf Children’s Society's Ian Noon writes.
The landlady was 'heartbroken' when she heard about the abuse the family has suffered in the past.
Alfie tackles disability discrimination with determination and Christmas cheer.
Because all kids should experience the magic of Christmas ❤️
'It’s easy for me to take a photo. It’s not easy for my son to live with being discriminated against.'
For the first time NHS Digital included kids in its annual Mental Health Bulletin.
'Some days will be better than others and that’s okay.'