united states

A large tiger was found in a home in Houston, Texas, after people went in the property to smoke cannabis. The tiger was later taken into care by a wildlife sanctuary. Although it is legal to own a tiger in Texas, it is illegal to do so in the state's most populous city, Houston.
US politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez needed just five minutes and a roleplaying game to show just how easy it is for politicians to abuse the system and get rich quick.
US President Donald Trump caused audible groans as he made the case for his border wall with Mexico, during his State of the Union address. He also confirmed a visit to Kim Jong Un and tipped the hat towards the investigation into Russia’s meddling with the 2016 election.
Talks have been aimed at ending the United States’ longest ever war.
Kamala Harris is the third woman announcing her run to be Democratic candidate for the US presidency in 2020, alongside Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand. Whoever gets the nomination will be facing Donald Trump.
A Milwaukee bus driver in the US was driving along when she spotted a baby walking alone at the side of the road. This CCTV recording shows the moment Irena Ivic stopped to pick up the little one. The girl had been left by her mother who suffers from mental illness and she’s now been returned to her father.
US President Donald Trump made a televised address for border wall funding on Tuesday from the Oval Office. Trump argued for funding on security and humanitarian grounds. He also cited crimes committed by immigrants in the US illegally to make his case.
Everything you need to know about the curious case of Paul Whelan.
House speaker Nancy Pelosi took the gavel for the second time, having already held the post from 2007 to 2011, and oversaw the swearing in of the most diverse group of representatives ever.
The trial of drug cartel leader Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán is starting in New York under tight security. Prosecutors say the Sinaloa cartel is the biggest supplier of drugs to the United States.