us presidential elections

Joe Biden took to the stage in Delaware, saying that he was on track to win but for supporters to keep the faith as results rolled in.
From diverse new leaders to drugs reform, there are some glimmers of hope amid the current mess.
Foreign secretary said he would not "comment on the commentary" after president's speech in the White House.
David Andahl, 55, died last month, but remained on the ballot.
"Imagine Americans staying up to watch Theresa May win Maidenhead in an old school hall."
While polls and markets might agree Joe Biden is the favourite, the markets see no room for complacency, writes Sarbjit Bakhshi.
The 2016 race will go down in history for many reasons but one key motif has often been overlooked: America’s sexism. Hilary Clinton’s run for president seemed to be held back by her sex, her campaign bringing into stark focus the boys club that is American politics. So why is the deck still so stacked against female politicians in the US, when other countries have been led by women for decades? And will there ever be a female president when America punishes women for traits that voters accept - or even like - in male politicians?
Expect Covid, the Supreme Court and tax to come up as the president and his Democratic challenger face off for the first time in Cleveland, Ohio.
The sixth episode of our podcast about November's vote looks at the big TV event of the campaign – in a way UK listeners will understand.
The billionaire and former New York City mayor has endorsed former vice-president Joe Biden.