
Good Morning Britain presenter Piers Morgan isn't having any of it – “A steak is a cut of meat or fish, it’s not vegan or vegetarian.”
After enduring Christmas party season, our tribe welcomes Dry January doers and your people with open arms
A plant-based diet doesn't mean you have to avoid cheese. With more and more people going vegan in the UK, supermarkets are increasing their cheese alternatives, with new flavours and varieties appearing all the time. Our HuffPost UK team took it upon themselves to try a selection available in Tesco, Asda and Wholefoods. Some were a roaring success... some not so much.
More people than ever are turning to a plant-based diet - whether it's for health reasons or environmental. There are a lot of conflicting opinions about the vegan diet but here are a few facts to help you make the choice.
Did you know that cows are the leading cause of deforestation?
'Ch4 claim to support minorities and diversity but this is a huge fail.'