
Fitness went digital with Adriene and Joe Wicks – and that was just the start.
HuffPost UK reader Jill asked: “Am I more at risk walking through a jogger’s ‘vapour trail’ than I am walking through another walker’s vapour trail?"
The onus shouldn’t be on women to change the way they exercise to feel safe – but female runners share how they do it.
Runners, swimmers and walkers tell us their failsafe hacks for year-round enjoyment.
Anyone can be a 'runner' – as long as you stay focused and put the work in. Here's what you should know before you start.
Flooded routes didn't dampen the spirits of 43,000 runners.
For some, it means running as quickly as possible – but that notion is outdated for these runners. Here, they tell us why.
The radio DJ and TV presenter talks wellbeing, homeschooling and saying goodbye to the uncertainty of youth.
The 2020 London Marathon will be an elite-athlete only event, organisers announced.
Top tips for anyone whose progress peaked at downloading the app. Read these success stories to get you going.