San Francisco

"They just ran off with it, too quick for anyone to do anything about it," said a gallery director.
Prominent e-cigarette maker Juul Labs has said it will "create a thriving black market".
The Creator restaurant in San Francisco is employing a machine to create its burgers and it's proving to be a hit with customers. The burger patty moves along a conveyor belt as fresh ingredients are sliced or grated on top of it. According to the restaurant, it has taken them eight years to develop and perfect the machine.
Another dead gray whale has washed up on a San Francisco beach. It's the ninth whale found dead in the Bay Area since March. Researchers say, the 41ft-long adult female was hit by a ship. The Marine Mammal centre said three previous whales died from ship strikes and four from malnutrition. But they suspect warming ocean conditions might also be a factor linked to their deaths.
George Duke-Cohan also made a hoax call against a United Airlines flight.
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Warren would obsess all day about music and melody, and I would obsess all day about mathematics and numbers. It was like we were pulling so hard in such opposite directions that the tension kept both of us from floating away