uk marriage

“Gifts don't come with strings attached. Methods of control come with strings attached."
"He said that I'm home all day... so I'm basically a stay-at-home mother and should at least take care of dinner."
“My mum was upset but my grandmother told her to sit down and shut up.”
"My husband is eating potato chips super loud so I guess we’re arguing now."
"I tried explaining why that doesn’t quite work, how it sounds more like a furniture brand than a human name..."
"Rule #27 of marriage is clear: Dessert that is mine is only mine; dessert that is his is also mine."
The director's spouse, actor Aaron Taylor-Johnson, recently commented on the public's "bizarre" interest in their relationship.
"My wife and I are currently on day three of a silent argument of who is going to clean the lasagna pan that's soaking next to the sink."
Heartbreaking and honest real talk from divorced men.