After a long hard day at the coal face, wrists and jaws aching from so much waving and smiling, what could be a nicer way for the young Royals to relax than a bubble bath with their newborn son?
These extremely intimate photos capture the Royals at their most private, and reveal some family secrets. Prince William has more hair on his chest than on his head, Kate wears a full face of make-up in the bath, and Prince George shares his father's love for helicopters - in lego form.

And when the stress of one small child all gets a bit much for Kate and her legions of servants, the Queen is on hand to help with the nappy changing.
The pictures are the work of artist Alison Jackson, who is renowned for her elaborate and often believable 'spoof' productions, which give an imaginary behind-the-scenes insight into the world of celebrities and Royals.
For more details on Alison Jackson and her work, please visit More information can also be found at and