Anti-social spitters could be fined up to £500 if they sully the streets of Enfield, after the first law of its kind is introduced to ban the habit.
The north London borough's anti-spitting by-law will come into force December 8th, after a concerted campaign by activists in the borough, enforced by the council's litter patrol teams, a spokesman told HuffPost UK.
The Enfield Over- 50s Forum presented a 4,800-signature petition to the local authority, according to North London Today.

Fines of up to £500 will be levied on spitters in Doncaster
Life president of the forum Monty Meth told the paper the move had cross-party support: "I am pleased that at long last Whitehall has given the go-ahead to ban this brand of antisocial behaviour."
Spitters have been fined by council's before, but this is the first time that a specific by-law will ban the habit, rather than councils using existing littering laws.
In September, Waltham Forest Council, in north east London, handed fines for spitting to Khasheem Kiah Thomas and Zilvinus Vitkas, under the same powers used to battle littering.
The council has been campaigning against spitting, issuing fixed penalty notices to people caught spitting in public places, as part of its Don't Mess with Waltham Forest campaign.
And in March, Doncaster Council, gained permission to enact by-laws against spitting from the Government, after a city-wide petition.