Trump Explains Why Fox News' Megyn Kelly Asked Tough Questions: 'There Was Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever'

Trump On Female Fox News Host: 'Blood Coming Out Of Her Wherever'

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump’s presidential campaign lurched into performance art on Friday, the Republican presidential frontrunner telling CNN that tough questions posed by a female Fox News host were due to “blood coming out of her wherever.”

Megyn Kelly, one of three moderators at the Republican primary debate in Cleveland, Ohio on Thursday, asked Trump whether it was presidential to call women he dislikes “fat pigs, dogs, slobs and disgusting animals.”

Trump dismissed the question with a quip about Rosie O’Donnell, and then spent the next 24 hours on a tirade against the Fox newscaster, excoriating her on Twitter and in media appearances.

However, the business tycoon went full Colonel Kurtz on Friday when CNN’s Don Lemon asked him about his female nemesis. “There was blood coming out of her eyes,” said Trump, “blood coming out of her wherever.” The reality TV star added that Kelly had posed “ridiculous questions,” and that she was hugely overrated.

Earlier on Friday, Trump had retweeted a post in which Kelly was called a “bimbo.” He dismissed that breach of taste by noting the Fox News anchor could “take care of herself.”

Trump has spent the past two months ratcheting up the rhetoric, using a medley of playground barbs to retain the media spotlight. However, short of soiling himself on “Meet The Press” or dipping his chap in Mika's coffee on "Morning Joe," it’s hard to see where he goes from here.

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