Princess Charlotte Got Herself A Nickname At Nursery For Her 'Feisty Personality'

The four-year-old has just started school at Thomas's Battersea.

Princess Charlotte may have just started school, but we’ve recently found out the nicknames she was apparently given while at nursery.

The four-year-old attended Willcocks Nursery in South Kensington, London, and according to royal correspondent Katie Nicholl, wasn’t known as “Charlotte”.

Nicholl told Entertainment Tonight the young royal was called Lottie by her friends at nursery –  but that she gained another moniker too.

“The other nickname that she had when she was at Willcocks Nursery, which was up until just before the summer, was Warrior Princess,” said Nicholl.

“I’m wondering if that might be a nickname that will stick with her. Apparently she earned that nickname because obviously she is a princess, but she’s quite a tomboy.”

Nicholl added that she loves “climbing trees, is very much an adventurer, and is known for her feisty personality.” 

We can’t be sure how many of her classmates did actually call Charlotte Warrior Princess, but either way, we’re into it. Goes with her bossing the royal wave.

Feisty though? Hmmm. We’ll hazard a guess Prince George has never been called “feisty”, despite wearing his emotions pretty visibly in photos.

It was reported back in March this year that Princess Charlotte is often referred to as Lottie, after the Duchess of Cambridge let it slip at an event – telling someone their child was the “same age as Lottie”. 

But while there has definitely also been talk about Charlotte’s high spirits, we think they deserve to be celebrated.

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At just three, when she was a bridesmaid at Harry and Meghan’s wedding, Charlotte reportedly told the other five bridesmaids what to do and where to walk. ″She was really sweet,” a wedding guest told People at the time. “There was one girl who wanted to go and she said: ‘No you can’t go yet. We have to wait until we are asked’. She was really organised!”

Back in 2018, it was also reported that she is  “bossy” one. Major sigh.

In a conversation at the Sandringham estate in Norfolk, the Queen was presenting a young girl with a bible for a school religious education project. Emily was with her parents and her younger sister Hadleigh.

The Queen asked Emily if she “looked after” her younger sister, to which Emily’s mum replied it was the “other way round”.

It’s like that with Charlotte and George,” the Queen replied.

Lottie, we never doubted you.