20 Of The Funniest Tweets About Cats And Dogs This Week (Dec.16-22)

"'You let your cat in your bed' I’d let my cat borrow my car."

Woof — it’s been a long week.

If you feel like you’ve been working like a dog, let us offer you the internet equivalent of a big pile of catnip: hilarious tweets about pets.

We Shih Tzu not.

Each week at HuffPost, we scour Twitter X (yes, Elon Musk is apparently fur real) to find the funniest posts about our furballs being complete goofballs. They’re sure to make you howl.

(And if you want more, no need to beg ― you can check out last week’s batch right here.)

before getting a dog: no dogs on the couch

after getting a dog: oh that’s the dog’s couch

— Adam (@adamgreattweet) December 21, 2023

mom isn’t home, you know what that means…dog on da counter 😎 pic.twitter.com/a3QYuUwD6w

— Sweet Baby Clay (@g00dguyclay) December 21, 2023

You may think you have bad anxiety but I once went out of town and wrote a note and left it on my dining room table that said “hello home intruder, congrats on breaking in, please don’t let my cats out when you leave”.

— Lucy Huber (@clhubes) December 22, 2023

My girls’ doggy daycare does the nativity - not in starring roles, but we’ll be having that discussion at home later pic.twitter.com/lDrxuV5TTF

— Anna Cafolla (@AnnaCafolla) December 19, 2023

my bf dealing with his cats is so funny… they just started fighting and i heard him go “stop it! Did you really think that would solve the conflict?!” Like i bet they were so embarrassed

— Grace (@gracecamille_) December 21, 2023

My cat when I sleep at someone else’s house for a night https://t.co/gVLoaGxgyT

— ellory smith (@ellorysmith) December 17, 2023

Every time i've followed a friend's instagram for their cat i felt like i had a gun to my head

— kimberlee (@kimberleeerose) December 21, 2023

He’s just sitting really normally on the heating pad pic.twitter.com/0Lbed6jnri

— Wobbly Ruth (And Adoptable Wobbly Mason!) (@RuthWobbles) December 21, 2023

“You let your cat in your bed” I’d let my cat borrow my car

— tatum (@planetgraves) December 18, 2023

she has no idea that the tall man who was just petting her was john mulaney pic.twitter.com/O1eDuf2z08

— cass city (@HeavenlyGrandpa) December 18, 2023

My wife and I have taken 6 photos together in the last 2 years.

Meanwhile we've taken 93 photos of our dog sleeping since last week.

— Dan Regan (@DanRegan_Comedy) December 17, 2023

Me meeting Clifford pic.twitter.com/zeCwbJXIpN

— fraser ramon (@SteveMerkle9) December 21, 2023

I’m watching The Polar Express for the first time with my dog and I can see it in her eyes that she wants to be on that train so badly.

— .:RiotGrlErin:. (@RiotGrlErin) December 16, 2023

She won't steal food but you take your eye off a cup of tea for one second and it's being slurped pic.twitter.com/4pnrpKAg6r

— Amy W Schwartz (@lizardschwartz) December 21, 2023

Finding out dogs’ snouts turn a little grey when they get older changed my brain chemistry tbh

— Ashley Reese (@offbeatorbit) December 21, 2023

Brits are inventing such fucked up dogs pic.twitter.com/30jcZmHmH0

— Francis Forever Fukuyama 🇵🇸 (@socialaskan) December 20, 2023

“Your slipper, sir.”
“Where is the other one, Alfred?”
“I’m afraid there’s been a mishap, sir.” pic.twitter.com/t0PK3LKc7x

— Uncle Duke (@UncleDuke1969) December 18, 2023

Was in the other room and heard Henry talking to someone. This is not our cat pic.twitter.com/eMxGnT0JZb

— Taylor Schumann (@taylorsschumann) December 20, 2023

sir I think you built a cat house https://t.co/YqsHkvjzIl

— cats being weird little guys (@weirdlilguys) December 20, 2023

me breaking beneath the weight of the goodness, love, i still carry for you pic.twitter.com/I4Q4GOmd85

— ari (@angeldisrupted) December 16, 2023