Angela Rayner's Interview With John Humphrys Got A Lot Of People Talking

Some felt she was given an unfairly hard time.

As grammar schools look set to be central to Wednesday’s Budget, a segment on the issue on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme got many rather fired up.

The BBC is reporting that Chancellor Philip Hammond will announce extra money for new free schools and grammar schools in England.

He is thought to be planning to earmark £320m for 140 new free schools and £216m to rebuild and refurbish existing schools.

Angela Rayner's interview with John Humphrys got plenty of people talking on Tuesday
Angela Rayner's interview with John Humphrys got plenty of people talking on Tuesday
OLI SCARFF via Getty Images

But speaking to Radio 4 host John Humphrys, Labour’s shadow education secretary Angela Rayner said that grammar schools were “vanity projects”.

She said: “The money is being spent on a vanity project with no evidence it will help children move on from socially deprived backgrounds.

“I think it’s disgusting,”

But it wasn’t just Rayner’s comments - as well of those of her fellow guest, journalist and head of the New Schools Network, Toby Young - which provoked debate...

1. Some people thought Rayner got a hard time from John Humphrys...

The palpable discomfort & disdain in the BBC's voice when a working class woman gets to top tier politics, is why @AngelaRayner is trending

— Paul Mason (@paulmasonnews) March 7, 2017

Gosh Humphrys is being an arse to @AngelaRayner. He won't let her talk about the issue and he's now laughing at her. Not smart #r4today

— Rowena Kay (@rowena_kay) March 7, 2017

John Humphrys tride to distract Angela Rayner from the issue and gave the impression that he favours the creation of new grammar schools.

— Paul Carroll (@car79462711) March 7, 2017

2. With some claiming he was trying to put words in her mouth (something she also pulled him up on)...

Mr Humphreys on Today interrupted and put words in the Angela Rayner's mouth throughout - strangely much gentler with Toby Young. BBC bias?

— Simon Thorp (@SimonThorp54) March 7, 2017

John Humphrys is an atrocious interviewer, patronising Angela Rayner, & shovelling words in her mouth! #r4today

— Vivid Ricky (@VividRicky) March 7, 2017

3. In fact many seemed to feel that Toby Young got an easier ride...

The difference between the manner which John Humphrys adopted to interview Angela Rayner, as opposed to Toby Young, is gobsmacking. #r4today

— Alex Andreou (@sturdyAlex) March 7, 2017

Toby Young & John Humphrys having a matey green room chat after Humphrys shouted down Labour Woman Angela Rayner #r4today

— WashYourMouth (@washyourmouth1) March 7, 2017

#r4today Humphrys sneering and patronising to Rayner, grovelling and supine to The Hon Toby Young. @BBCr4today

— Nick (@Hindley_Wakes) March 7, 2017

That interview with @AngelaRayner on #r4today was disgusting and patronising. Meanwhile, Toby Young was allowed to speak uninterrupted.

— Sarrah (@MissSarrah) March 7, 2017

I like fairness.. but stark difference in the way John Humphrys interviewed Angela Rayner and Toby Young. An easy ride for Young #r4today

— John Stockbridge (@jstockbridge1) March 7, 2017

4. Though others were instead critical of Rayner...

While I agree with Angela Rayner, that was a car crash. Asking whether Labour would abolish existing grammars was a fair question #r4today

— Johnny Appleseed (@JohnnyCameo) March 7, 2017

Angela rayner car crash on #BBCR4today "ideological attack on the working class etc" #classwarfare

— Charles Margetts (@Charlesm186) March 7, 2017

@sturdyAlex I'm sympathetic to Angela Rayner's position, but she came across awful.

— Mark Say (@markssay) March 7, 2017

5. Toby Young had to admit he hadn’t read a story he was commenting on because it was behind a paywall...

Toby Young is on Radio 4 talking about a Telegraph piece that he hasn't read "because it's behind the paywall." Discuss.

— Henry Mance (@henrymance) March 7, 2017

Toby Young on #r4today pontificating re Teresa May's school plans. But hasn't even read her piece because 'it's behind the paywall'! #fraud

— John Dawson (@JhnDwsn) March 7, 2017

Journalist Toby Young hasn't read an interview he's commenting on because 'it's behind a paywall' *cries* #payforrealnews

— Lizzie Catt (@Lizzie_Catt) March 7, 2017

Could we put Toby Young behind a paywall, and nobody pay? This seems like a workable solution that would please everyone.

— Charles Arthur (@charlesarthur) March 7, 2017

6. And no one knows how to spell John Humphrys (the incorrect spelling actually started trending)...

@AngelaRayner did a great job swatting John Humphries off-piste sensation-seeking questions
New Grammars will syphon off cash from comps QED

— Peter Manning❄️ (@urbanfox93) March 7, 2017

@Lesley_London Listening to John Humphries makes me want to stop listening to #r4today. Thank God for @MishalHusainBBC

— Emma Reinhold (@DrEReinhold) March 7, 2017

Well done @AngelaRayner for standing up to John Humphries on @BBCr4today

— Margaret Roe (@MargroeRoe) March 7, 2017

A spokesperson for the Today programme said: “Listeners expect robust and challenging questioning and it was no different in the interviews with Angela Rayner and Toby Young, and asking Angela whether Labour would abolish existing grammar schools was a fair question.”


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